Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Thankful Heart

Have I told you lately how much I love my life? I really really do. I can get frustrated with work and other things, and I'm not one to hold back while complaining about it, but I really am grateful for everything and every one in my life. I have the world's greatest parents, the most caring and genuine grandparents, a loving extended family, accepting in-laws, the most loyal and supportive husband on the planet, a job that has frustrations but I'm lucky to have, and numerous other blessings that I take for granted much too frequently. So many times I, like many others, get so bogged down in the things that go wrong that I forget all of the wonderful things that have gone right. I came home today to two sweet doggies wagging their tail and a sweet husband waiting to give me a hug and a kiss...Now that's something special. Today the light bulb went off. It's time to start smiling a little more and worrying a little less; it's time to appreciate my life - the good and the bad; it's time to be happy, and if there is something that makes me unhappy then stop complaining about it and fix it. Life is too short to waste away the days. I am great at being alive, but starting today, I am going to get real good at LIVING!

Speaking of blessings...look at these three cuties! Haha

1 comment:

Jane Parker said...

3 cuties :)

Way to go....County Your Many Blessings....Name them one by one....and it will surprise you what the Lord has done