Friday, April 22, 2011

Good...No Great Friday

Last night Eddy and I had a "date night." In actuality I bribed him with his favorite Mexican food, and then forced him to go to some of the shops down the road that stay open late once a month. It is easier to guilt him into the shopping part if I call it a date and insist that it is for the good of our relationship. Unfortunately, after he reads this post, he will know my trick and I'll have to find a new one. :)

Today we hit the road for Burnet for the second round of what I like to call the tour of Texas. Our second of seven showers is tomorrow...that's right I said SEVEN!! Eddy and I both have been blessed with wonderful, generous people in our lives all over the state. This shower is extra special because most of my family and Eddy's family will all be together for the first time. We even brought Nana and Poppy along for the trip.

And of course we couldn't leave without Beau, our designated co-pilot.

Nana provided the entertainment for everyone when she spilt her water all over her pants. You should have seen her when she had to go into the convenience store. She was all kinds of worked up because she just knew everyone would notice and think she didn't make it to the restroom in time. I'm glad Nana doesn't know what a blog is because she would be soooo upset about this picture!!

We made it safe and sound to Eddy's childhood home, and we rolled in just in time for dinner! It was delicious as usual, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't on my new "you have to fit in your wedding dress" diet. It was definetly worth the extra calories though!I'll have pictures of shower number one, tomorrow's shower, and all of our eater festivities soon!!
Happy Easter ya'll!!

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