Thursday, May 5, 2011

April Showers Bring May Storage Issues

That's right folks! Get your umbrellas ready it is Shower Season! As I mentioned in my previous blog we have had two showers so far. They have been sooo much fun! I have really enjoyed spending time with people I haven't seen in ages. It is amazing how weddings start bringing people out of the woodworks. I love it! Here are some pictures from the first shower which Mrs. Firestone held at her house with the help of some dear women who volunteered to help host.

Eddy, who showed up just in time to load up the gifts, Me, Mrs. Firestone, Anna Preston, Coach Bolm, her daughter Avery, and LeeAnn (who is going to be our flowergirl)

Mrs. Denton came which was such a treat. Both of her girls teach in Japan, so she had some good stories to share.

The beautiful Anna Preston was a hostess, and it was wonderful to catch up with her.

I believe Mrs. Fry was responsible for the cupcakes. They were sooooo adorable...and yummy :)

Miss Avery!!

And then of course a couple weeks later we had the infamous Warner/Hill family shower. We actually managed to get Nana Verne, which she is an entire blog post of her own, to make a guest appearance. It will go down in the books as one of my favorite days of all time.

Nana Verne hates pictures. Not just dislikes taking them sometimes like normal people, but HATES them and refuses to take them normally. This may be the only picture I have of her where she is actually looking at the camera. See I told you...greatest day ever!

Gina, Sao, and I. These two have lived with my family for almost two years now. They will graduate this month!! I am so proud!

The Hill family!!

Let me just tell you, It's tough work having to open up all those gifts. That's why I had two of the best assistants ever! Jemma and LeeAnn are both so adorable, and I love them both.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, definitely one for the history books. It is amazing what grandmas will do for their grandchildren! Love the blog.
